_ Scientific studies have shown that
a child learns while they play. At The New School Day School @ Jacque's House we believe that a
child's play is their work.
A child needs a rich environment to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. A child will grow socially and emotionally as they learn through group play, role modeling and adult facilitation. Through group activities a child learns how to live, work and play together. They become more independent learners and begin to problem-solve. At The New School Day School @ Jacque’s House we encourage group play by offering age-appropriate exploring opportunities both indoors and outdoors for:
Art Exploration Dramatic Play Music & Movement Blocks/Construction Science & Discovery Math Readiness Early Reading Readiness Communication
A child needs a rich environment to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. A child will grow socially and emotionally as they learn through group play, role modeling and adult facilitation. Through group activities a child learns how to live, work and play together. They become more independent learners and begin to problem-solve. At The New School Day School @ Jacque’s House we encourage group play by offering age-appropriate exploring opportunities both indoors and outdoors for:
Art Exploration Dramatic Play Music & Movement Blocks/Construction Science & Discovery Math Readiness Early Reading Readiness Communication
_We believe a child must also have time for personal discovery and time alone.
We offer independent play by offering a library, quiet personal areas
and personal art areas where a child can be alone and create on their
We believe a child learns at their own pace. We adapt our curriculum to meet the needs and interest of the child.
We believe a child learns at their own pace. We adapt our curriculum to meet the needs and interest of the child.